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The Rapid's Streetcar Study Is Back

With the help of HDR Inc., The Rapid plans to revise the vision of the previous six-year-old streetcar study. 

Should streetcars go from past to present tense in Grand Rapids? Our 2008 streetcar study is currently being ressurected with the help of HDR Inc. to build on the previous vision and pursue funding. An advisory committee for this study began meeting this month. The streetcar committee's work in the coming months will examine and evaluate models of public-private partnerships in streetcar system development, construction and operation, as well as analyze potential routing, amenities, and coordination with existing services. 

"People our age are moving back into the city and living an urban lifestyle," said Rapid CEO Peter Varga in a previous interview with WGVU. "Young people want all these mobility options, want to live downtown, and they are actually not getting driver's licenses. They're using public transit, they're walking and bicycling. A street car fits this new demographic change and that's why this is the right time to start talking about these things."

Source: MLive/Grand Rapids Press