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Positive About West Michigan's Growth - Pete Brand

As founder of Mindscape at Hanon McKendry, Pete Brand expresses a deep appreciation for the growth of small entrepreneurial business and the growth of West Michigan. From his perspective, despite more recent changes, greater Grand Rapids will con...

[IMAGE '328' /]As founder of Mindscape at Hanon McKendry, Pete Brand expresses a deep appreciation for the growth of small entrepreneurial business and the growth of West Michigan. From his perspective, despite more recent changes, greater Grand Rapids will continue to grow and bring investment to the area. New forms of commerce will be created.

Along with these great additions will come the challenge of supporting increases in traffic activity. It’s a challenge to change our thinking – to handle the growth.

Brand forecasts that creating more parking isn’t the answer to house all the growth. He sees public transportation as a resource that can address growth and offers energy to the areas it serves. It’s a lifeblood for business – including getting people to work.

Having the proper infrastructure in place to handle the growth is critical.

"We need to think about the community we live in. We need to think outside of ourselves. If I’m asked to support something that will increase the infrastructure and help this area become more prosperous – I’m all for that."
[YOUTUBE '44' /]