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Creating an Economic Driver to Jobs and Education - Bob Roth

In a quest to learn more about his own business practice, Bob Roth came to a conclusion..."small changes can lead pretty substantial gains." In fact, his own curiosity drove him to explore how a once-a-week commitment to riding The Rapid from home to wo

[IMAGE '405' /]In a quest to learn more about his own business practice, Bob Roth came to a conclusion..."small changes can lead pretty substantial gains."

In fact, his own curiosity drove him to explore how a once-a-week commitment to riding The Rapid from home to work could impact his life. Looking at it just from the numbers alone, Roth found an immediate 20% improvement on his commute spending.

"I could see with my own eyes what The Rapid was doing."

But other aspects of Bob's experiment proved even more interesting. Who he was sitting next to...and how many there were...was equally impressive. On his early morning commute the bus was full. Half of them were students. The other half were people going to work. Not at all the stereotype. Bob was experiencing how public transportation can act as an economic driver.

[YOUTUBE '53' /]